Your Industry Organisation

Representing your interest to all levels of Government, Schools and Community in Western Australia


Membership of BusWA puts your business in the picture and makes it a part of a unified industry effort to have our voice heard by Government and the wider community.


BusWA consists of 3 Divisions

    • School Bus Division
    • Tour and Charter Division
    • Party Bus Division

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Click link below to book charter or party bus with us.

We have got the the perfect one for eveyone.

BusWA is a member of Bus Industry Confederation (BIC) in Canberra and Australian Public Transport Industrial Association (the industrial arm of BIC).

The Manager of BusWA manages all Divisions. The affairs of BusWA are managed by a Committee of Management the members of which are appointed at an AGM.

Each Division have representitives on the Committee which meet regularly throughout the calendar year. Annual General Meetings (AGM) are generally held in the School Term holidays in July and all members are invited to attend and participate in the proceedings. Division Executives and Committee Members are elected at these AGMs. On this day we also hold an annual bus and exhibitor display showcasing up to 20 new coaches & school buses, as well as other exhibitors within the industry. It’s a great opportunity to network with the like-minded people within the bus industry from both WA and Australia wide.

Different State Government Agencies administer the Divisions. Department of Transport is the Government Agency involved with the Tour and Charter Division while the Public Transport Authority administers the School Bus Contracts. All Divisions come under the Minister for Transport portfolio.

Latest News

Regional Meetings Thank You

Regional Meetings Thank You

Thanks to everyone who attended our regional meetings over the past 6 weeks. We had a fantastic turn out from contractors and we appreciated your valuable support.

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